Olivier Baby

 Olivier Baby is run and owned by Emma Davison and her sister Alice Smith. Their company was set up in November 2011 by Emma who was shortly joined by Alice. Emma is a knitter herself and as a team they design the pieces and put together the collections. Emma knits all the samples herself and they are rigorously put to the test by their five children.

Their designs have a distinctly nostalgic feel. The shapes are classic and simple and the colours comforting and fresh. The designs are traditional but always with an element of fun, whether it be a heart on the bottom or stars on the elbows, a little something to make you smile.

All their wool is 100% cashmere so it feels just as good as it looks and your children will both love the way it looks and feels.

The range is made both in the U.K. and Bulgaria. The hand knitted pieces are made in Bulgaria by a small team of knitters using the traditional two needle method. Each one is individually made and as such is a one off to be treasured and looked after and then handed on to the next person to enjoy.

So Sweet!

Styling and Photography | Katie Stauffer @kcstauffer

Gray knitted hat by LAUPERS

Jamie MennaComment