Little Miss Workbench | Style Contributor @_BeckyKimball

Little Miss Workbench is a small company based in Bellport Village, New York. Their toys are handcrafted using sustainable American hardwoods and all-natural sealants. They are simple, durable, eco-friendly, child-friendly and powered by imagination. As a family-owned and -operated shop, they are proud of the products that they create and share with the community. 

The philosophy at Little Miss Workbench is play = learning!

Their goal is to create simple toys that allow children to continuously learn, grow and discover.  Little Miss Workbench strives to create toys that enhance social skills, engage the mind and foster independence. 

Our Style and Photography Contributor, Becky Kimball, did an absolutely wonderful job capturing the uniqueness of these beautiful toys. 

Shop the Little Miss Workbench collection here and enjoy FREE shipping using code 'ministyle' until June 1st.

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