childHOODS | @LisaLouLee

childHOODS has been clothing babies and toddlers in handmade goods since 2012 and we have been huge fans from the beginning. That's why we are SO excited to introduce our sweet little collaboration with this amazing line! Each item of clothing you see starts out as a sketch on paper, which turns into an independently designed pattern, which goes through testing,grading and tweaking. Each item is handcrafted by local production and stitched with commercial machines for durability and better quality. Such an impressive hands on process!

How adorable are these sweet bonnets and dresses? Not only are they insanely cute, they are the comfiest, coziest pieces on the entire planet, trust us! Perfect for the cooler Autumn and Winter days ahead!

childHOODS are available for purchase here.

Photos | @LisaLouLee

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